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Moving to a new city or state or even changing neighborhoods can be difficult and very stressful. You are probably leaving behind family and friends, as well as your favorite shops, stores, and routine events. While the North Brunswick Newcomers Club cannot fill all the voids you might be experiencing, we can come close. We are a social club that meets the 2nd Friday of each month from September through June. We begin at 9:30 a.m. with a "meet and greet" complete with refreshments, giving us the chance to mingle and extend a friendly welcome to those new to the club. Each meeting features at least one speaker or entertainer. We search for programs that will help members become more familiar with the area, its culture, history and lifestyle. At most meetings, we also have a speaker from the community tell us about special programs. Many speakers describe volunteer opportunities for those of you looking for an avenue to become involved in your new home town.
Meetings are held at:
Leland Cultural Arts Center
1212 Magnolia Village Way
Leland, NC 28451